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Demo 1: Clever Dog Serial Access
Subteam 1 Lead IoT Engineer Trevor shows how serial access can be gained on the Clever Dog camera.
Demos 2 and 3: Telnet Bruteforce of the Virtual Camera
Using Kali and the included tool Hydra, we show how bad actors can easily bruteforce weak passwords over Telnet. This demo attacked our virtual camera and was done on the ISEAGE network under controlled conditions.
Using Kali and the included tool Metasploit, Subteam 2 Lead Network Engineer Johnny was able to bruteforce passwords and gain a shell to the virutal camera. This demo was done on his computer using Virtualbox under controlled conditions.
Demo 4: RTSP Server Running on Emulated Clever Dog Camera
Using VLC, Subteam 2 Lead Network Engineer Johnny shows how the emulated Clever Dog camera can be configured to serve a RTSP stream similar to the physical camera. In this case, the demo also shows looping of an image. This feature could be used to loop a flag during a CDC. Note: The video does not contain commentary.
Demo 5: Physical Flag with Comprimised Camera Demo
Using a camera comprimised by our project, Team 1 Leader Will and Team 1 Network Engineer Alex show how a physical flag could be implemented as part of a Cyber Defense Competition Scenario.
Demo 6: How to Install Custom Firmware on a Wyze Pan/Tilt Camera
Above is our step by step video guide on how to install the custom firmware on the physical Wyze Pan camera.